Tuesday, January 26, 2010

After a short hiatus...here's the finale! DAYS 6 & 7.

For all my healthy habits, unfortunately I still get bad head colds...and so after a couple of days out of action with a lot of couch time, I'm back to post the closing to The Challenge.

But first, the food.

Day 5 for breakfast was a personal favourite of mine (and of most vegans I'm sure)...scrambled tofu on crisp sourdough toast. Mmmm. I followed the recipe a la Alicia-style, which suggested sautéing leeks, zucchini, spring onions and any other vegies you need to clear your fridge of, and then adding in the mashed tofu and seasoning with shoyu. I also added a little cracked pepper to taste, and some rocket lettuce. Oh, and a healthy dosing of Nuttelex butter. S LOVED this tasty breakfast and I have a pretty phenomenal quote from him:

"My god...this is seriously better than scrambled eggs. I'm not joking...."

Need I say more?

Lunch was a lazy salad sandwich (we got a little slack with the challenge these last couple of days due to my unannounced head cold...however S maintained a strict vegan diet)!

DINNER that night was Ginger Pasta with Zucchini (page 238). I used spelt pasta for this dish, and added some carrot to bring a bit of colour with the zucchini. I should also mention that this meal has mashed tofu in it which I personally think MADE the dish...does anyone else think of adding tofu to pasta?! I hadn't before this meal...

S is not a fan of zucchini (or any other squashes for that matter), so he was very hesitant to eat this, even though it was pasta -which is a staple in his daily non-challenge diet. However...he ate his bowel and half of mine...so I took that as a positive sign! Adding ginger to the pasta was a clever little idea that I usually wouldn't have thought to do, but added sooo much flavour, so this pasta dish is getting added to the "KEEP" meals of Alicia's book!

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